My First Journal
Here’s to my first journal. Technically this will be my 4th or something. I tried writing here a bunch of times, but every time, there was something that went wrong! Last time I wrote a whole paragraph, and then I even posted it- I refreshed the page aaaand it was gone! But I decided to try again today after I looked at my To-Do list for the 20th time and saw “Write on Journal”. I crossed off 3 other tasks so that’s good!
I used to write more, I had 3 full journals. Like actually Journals, not digital ones. And over there I would write a lot. Sometimes I’d skip but I always went back to write more. There is just something fun about writing with an actual pen and paper. Also, my journals looked really cool, they looked like spell books and I made themes and stories out of them. There are puzzles and codes you can solve besides just reading about my personal life. I tried to keep it entertaining! Anyways I don’t know why I am talking about my journals here. I am supposed to write something inspirational or educational but I don’t know what else to write besides whatever is kinda coming out of my mind. I’m just typing cluelessly. Maybe if I make a habit out of this something good might happen.
I did, however, apply to some creative jobs, and made an IG reel for my IG. I am trying to be more consistent there. Just to keep my creative juices flowing. Right after this, I’ll meditate. I saw in a video yesterday that a man should meditate every day. A man who doesn’t meditate 10 mins a day apparently needs to do it. I think I need meditation more than anything! My mind is always racing, thinking of the next thing to think about! I think I have ADHD but I never got diagnosed or anything. I do think it can be helpful if I better undershoot it, maybe it might help with my creativity. Maybe meditation will help? I’ve been good at doing YOGA and working out in the morning. I did decrease the level of workout cause I got tired and wanted to enjoy working out, so I thought decreasing the level might motivate me. But you know what’s my worst motivation killer…weed!
Anyways that’s for another day, I don’t know if you read up to here. If you did, great, thank you for reading my thoughts. I hope you have a nice day :)