What do you do, after you realize that in about 5 billion years our galaxy is going to collide with our neighbouring galaxy- Andromeda. Oh sweet, Andromeda- I wonder if we should stop living the way we are living right now? You will end everything anyway, so what are we all doing!?
I was just thinking about this whole collision and got me really scared! I mean yeah, I still got a lot of time but still, think about it - let’s say our civilization survives another 5 billion years….5 FREAKING BILLION YEARS!!! That’s crazy! They will definitely witness this amazing event. I mean they will all burn before anything, but yeah - you get the idea.
And, NO! We don’t stop just living because of Andromeda. We keep living, and learning, teaching, and doing what we do best : SURVIVE! But at the same time we keep creating. We came so far because we always have a world full of creators. We create to survive! So we keep creating!